2025-03-08 Don’t Mistake Ridehailing for AV Ridehailing
2024-09-16 Paul Pfanner’s Way
2024-01-25 The Tuebor honor pledge
2023-10-26 W.A.L.T.E.R. Theory of Automated Vehicle Sentiment
2023-10-20 Opening Mobility Jobs ‘For Free’ for Startups
2023-05-20 Within a large group of plant people
2021-09-08 Launching a mobility job board
2020-11-19 Hi-res Zoom video for a lower price
2020-10-30 A Celebration of Overdue Postal Trucks
2020-06-23 Taking a Masked Road Trip
2020-04-14 Designing Clean
2019-10-30 Easily Forwardable Email Request (EFER)
2019-10-02 Tesla Autopilot Is Not Autonomous, Semi-Autonomous or Self-Driving
2018-02-18 How to simplify a team’s value in a sentence
2016-06-01 Machine Earning
2015-05-22 We’re Driving Blind Without More Destination Data
2015-03-21 Alternative Route Optimization
2014-10-20 Launching FoT, a new weekly newsletter
2012-11-04 Sister Corita Kent’s Rules
2011-07-29 Requiem for a Gentleman
2011-04-03 Visiting Forest Lawn G83, lot 2061, space 3
2010-09-28 Tips for Artists Who Want To Sell
2008-11-29 Why people read
2008-11-16 Zuma Beach and Having Something to Lose
2008-10-01 Bob Baumgras and the Five Mile Mackinac Tractor Bridge Crossing
2008-09-05 Nobody has figured out push media on the internet yet
2002-02-25 Meeting J Dilla (in Trucks)
1980-02-27 Real clip art has unlimited power